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Participatory Placemaking Shaping Our Cities

Urban Ecologies Creating Community

2013.06: OCAD University


Curating The [Space] Between

Exhibiting Architecture Opportunities For Invention [Inside] Outside

2014.03 School of Architecture I University of Waterloo


Agora[Phobic]  Vancouver’s Ambivalent Publics

The Peter Wall International Roundtable Speculative Cities   

2013.05: UBC | Emily Carr University of Art + Design


Thoughts On The Public Space Of Utopia

Unlikely Architectures : Contested Territories

2012: Vancouver Art Gallery


Ideal Space In The Neoliberal City: Mapping Utopia

The Architecture

2013.01: School of Communications, SFU



Places, Audiences, Issues

2010.05: Emily Carr University of Art + Design


Walking the Map - Cartographic Q+A

Vancouver Stories – Jane's Walk

2010.04: Think City, Heritage Hall


At the Edge of the Frontier: Policing the Polis

Making Space: A conference on art, culture and publics

Changing Space: The Capacity for Political Action

2010.03: Vancouver Art Gallery


Space Collaborations: Working on Housing
We Declare: Spaces of Housing
panel with Jochen Becker, Wendy Pederson, Annabel Vaughan
2008: Gallery Gachet, Vancouver


SpaceAGENCY: Public Spaces for Private Pleasure

2005: School of Architecture, UBC


Transient Vancouver: A Difficult Typology

2005: School of Communications, SFU

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